August 2019 Top Posts

Here are some of the best personal finance and fintech posts from August 2019.


Ignatian Detachment – Bishop Robert Barron 

I really love listening to Bishop Robert Barron. Here is a homily Bishop Barron gave on St. Ignatius of Loyola on the negative and harmful impact that things like money, power, and honor can have on our relationship with God. And, even though this website focuses on your own financial well being this sentiment is what is ultimately most important! 


One Among Us: Driving the same car for 53 years

Credit & Debt

Millennials on Pace to Hold Most Mortgage Debt – Experian 

Experian uncover that millennials are taking on an increasing level of mortgage debt. This study is part of a larger study on mortgage loan debt from Experian. 

Debt-EndEvergreen Gavekal

The largest risk we have in the global economy is the level of debt currently found at all levels including – corporate, consumer and government. This article highlights some of the largest areas of concern as it pertains to current debt levels. 


Best Life Insurance Companies For Millennials In 2019 – Millennial Money 

Term life insurance is essential for anyone who has other people that rely on their income. This list is a great list of the top 10 insurance companies for term life insurance. 


It’s Never Too Late to Start Investing – The Mastermind Within

With almost half of all adults in the United States 55 and over having nothing saved for retirement it is critical to know what compound interest is and how it works! This article explains this concept beautifully!  

11 Best Short-Term Investments to Help Grow Your Stash – Club Thrifty 

There are a number of reasons why you might need money in the short-term. A new home purchase or perhaps a new car purchase or even a new laptop. Here are 11 great options for investing your money when you may need it in the short-term. 

How Robo-Advisors Are Single-Handedly Democratizing The Investing World Money Under 30  

The innovation we have seen in financial technology in recent years has been extraordinary. And, this trend will only continue which will allow more people to not only begin to invest but will also help to drive down the cost of investing. 

How to Invest in Dividend Stocks – A Comprehensive Guide – Retire Before Dad  

If you are interested in dividend stocks this is a great guide! 

Passive Income

How To Earn Money With Your Car (Without Driving!) – Choose FI

We all know about Uber and Lyft which allow you to earn money with your car by driving. However, if you want to earn money with your underutilized vehicle without driving than here are a couple of ideas. 

Personal Finance

TL;DR: The Best Finance Books In One Sentence – A Wealth Of Common Sense

A list of some of the greatest finance books distilled into a single sentence or phrase. 

5 Reasons Personal Finance Should Be Taught In School – Forbes

One of the things, perhaps the most important thing, I wish schools would teach is how to manage money and everything that goes into personal finances. Here are 5 major reasons why. 

Real Estate

Home Ownership Cost Us $60,000 in a Great Housing Market – Stop Ironing Shirts

It is common for most to think that it makes more sense to purchase a home instead of renting. Over a long period of time, this could certainly be true. However, there are a number of costs and factors that are often overlooked or even forgotten altogether. In a hot real estate market be careful when looking to purchase a home and when the market does turn downward make sure that you have a hefty down payment and remember how important location is. 

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