Passive Income

Passive Income Tools, Tips & Technology For Your Tomorrow

Historically, passive income took the form of gumball machines, laundromats, and storage units. Today, thanks to new financial technology - passive income can come from what a myriad of sources.

In the past, banks and other large brick and mortar institutions were the primary sources for borrowers to go to when they needed a loan for big-ticket purchases such as a home or home renovation. This arrangement made it more costly for the borrower to borrow and more financially beneficial for the institution to lend. Today, it is now possible - because of technology - for borrowers to use peer to peer lending platforms to borrow at a cheaper rate and for individual lenders to lend to their peers all while experiencing a larger return on investment then they would have by keeping that money in a traditional financial institution such as a bank. 



By Jeff McLean | Dec 26, 2021

Today, you can seemingly bet on anything thanks (or maybe no thanks) to the internet. One interesting new player in this space is Kalshi. Kalshi says it is a trading platform but really is a bet based on a real world event driven contract. For example, will it snow more than x inches in any …

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7 Proven Passive Income Ideas Fintech Freedom

7 Proven Passive Income Ideas

By Jeff McLean | Jul 8, 2019

This article discusses passive income investing options. FinTech Freedom is not responsible for investing loses or risks. Please see our disclosure statement. Just the term “Passive Income” brings with it feelings of joy and excitement! Passive income generally involves either an investment in time or money. This post will highlight ways to generate passive income …

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What Is Peer To Peer Lending?

What is Peer to Peer Lending?

By Jeff McLean | Feb 14, 2018

Peer to Peer Lending (P2P) – why does that sound like your aunt lending you money? Well, you aren’t wrong. It kind of is, just on a more formal level. P2P Lending takes the banker out of banking. Investors lend money directly to borrowers through a website enabling both parties to benefit from the rate …

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