Florence, Italy

Let me start off this article with a disclaimer. To my regular readers, I know this post is a little off topic from the normal content but this one will have some good info for handling your finances when traveling. This article is also for our friends, family, and anyone else interested in travel to Florence, Italy!

Today is our sixth day in Florence and on Monday we are onto our next stop to Assisi. Here are the best ways to see Florence, Italy which will prevent your trip from becoming a financial nightmare. 

No Debt!

First, if you want to make a trip or are planning a trip…never…ever…do it with debt! Save for it! With 76% of people living paycheck to paycheck and a greater percentage of people going into debt now is the time to stop trying to keep up by being normal. Instead, don’t be normal – normal is broke!

Here are 23 ways to save money and how to get out of debt in 11 steps if you currently have no emergency fund savings or are in debt.

Stop Spending Money On Crap!

Let’s face the cold hard truth…we have fallen for the marketing and advertising game and buy stuff we don’t need to impress people we don’t even like! Stop it! Instead, I would suggest saving or better yet investing in the lead up to your trip.

The Consumption Party Will Come To An End

One of the best ways to prevent a hangover is to stop drinking! The same goes for spending and debt! It’s hard to argue that we are likely coming to an end of the current economic cycle. The historic mean for the trailing price to earnings ratio is 17. Currently, we sit at 25. When the tide goes out the best way of not getting beached is to have an emergency fund, get out of debt and save! On the federal government front…check out my friend Chase Hagaman and the Concord Coalition for more details on the federal debt issues quickly coming down on all of us.

Go Travel!

Now that we have that out of the way it is time to set your sights on where you want to go.

We decided to visit Italy since neither of us has been here before and as Catholics, we wanted to see all of the historic sites, see where the saints walked and see the amazing churches! And, of course, the food! Mangia, mangia! So far, we love Italy! 

Everything about it is amazing from its architecture, culture, history, and food!

How To Spend In Italy

First, let your credit card company know you will be traveling and when. And, plan to use the card in most places (I am assuming here that you pay yours off in full each and every month!)

Second, let your debit card company bank know that you will be traveling and use your card at an ATM in Italy. Our card is the Fidelity SmartCash account which reimburses all ATM fees. Don’t trade dollars for Euros. If you do you will likely incur an exchange fee. The Fidelity SmartCash account charges just a 1% fee for accessing euros instead of dollars at ATMs.

Florence Highlights

Here are some of our favorite highlights so far!

Church of San Lorenzo is an incredibly beautiful church in which Filippo Brunelleschi and Donatello were the geniuses behind – building and designing paintings and sculptures that will leave you awe-struck.

The Santa Maria Novella church is also an incredibly beautiful church founded by the Dominicans. It's frescoes, sculptures and library hold some of the most precious religious art in the world.

The Florence Cathedral, also better known as the Duomo, is an impressive site! You need to see in person! It is not only enormous and offers some of the best views of the city – it is also incredibly beautiful to see no matter what time of day! We are planning to attend Mass there on Sunday. Also, make sure to check out the l’Opera Duomo Museo directly behind the Duomo. Well worth a visit!

The statue of David, sculpted by Michaelangelo sometime between 1502 and 1504 is one of the most famous pieces of artwork in the world! It is housed in the L’Accademia Galleria and stands at approximately 17 feet tall.

The Basilica di Santa Croce is the principal Franciscan church in Florence with an impressive facade. It’s also located in front of an idyllic Italian piazza with pigeons and all!

Behind the Santa Croce is the Scuola del Cuoio which is one of the most famous leather schools in Italy. We got to chat with one of the masters that had apprenticed there for 14 years.

The Uffizi Gallery is the most prominent art museum in Florence. Two of the most famous pieces of artwork are; The Baptism of Christ by Andrea del Verrocchio and Leonardo da Vinci. And, The Birth of Venus by Sandro Botticelli. Seeing the Medusa by Caravaggio was also an exciting work to see!

The Piazzale Michelangelo offers some of the best views of the city!

Our eyes and stomachs have been on overload (in a good way!) – we’re so grateful for the experience and that we have the opportunity to see this beautiful part of the world.

And of course, there is the food!

Next stop…Assisi! Then, onto Rome and then Dublin!