What Is FinTech?

FinTech 101: The dawn of financial freedom

So, what is FinTech? Very simply - FinTech is short for financial technology. FinTech companies take advantage of new technology in order to deliver a higher level of service while at the same time reducing costs for both consumers and businesses across all financial categories and sectors. For consumers, many of these new advancements in financial technology are delivered in the palm of our hands which have been made possible by our smartphones.

Press an app - and your financial information appears. With the easy access we have in today’s world to our financial landscape, why is it that 78% of full-time workers live paycheck to paycheck?

The world of personal finance has become a deluge of confusing and convoluted information. With information overload, many Americans find themselves at a loss where to start to get a handle on their finances to set themselves up for success.

FinTechFreedom simplifies the information avalanche so you can make educated decisions about your finances.

The Reality

Here’s the truth. Being good with money and your future has nothing to do with smarts and everything to do with mindset.

Let’s look at these staggering statistics:

  • 78% of people live paycheck to paycheck
  • 59% of Americans that make over $100,000 per year are in debt?
  • 56% of Americans have less than $10,000 saved toward retirement
  • 3 out of 4 people say their finances cause them stress on a monthly basis.
  • 1 in 3 Americans have $0 saved towards retirement and are suffering financial hardships

Take control of your future

FinTechFreedom is here to help you navigate the financial landscape and set you up for success.

With FinTechFreedom, you will learn about :

  • Simple saving strategies
  • Identity theft and how to protect yourself
  • Budgeting tools and tactics
  • Insurance
  • Investing

This list - is just the beginning.

As the latest in technology emerges, FinTechFreedom is here to be a resource to help take the frustration out of financial management and take control of your future freedom.