April 2020 Top Picks

April 2020 Top Articles

Here are some of the best personal finance and fintech posts from April 2020. To see previous months' top picks click here.


Capitalists or Cronyists? – Professor Galloway

A number of excellent takeaways from this great article. Here is one: “However, no more. Modern-day “capitalism” in America is to flatten the risk curve for people who already have money, by borrowing from future generations with debt-fueled bailouts for companies. We have consciously decided to reduce the downside for the wealthy, thereby limiting the upside for future generations.” If there is one article you should read it is this one! HERE is the corresponding podcast!

Coronavirus Second-Order Effects – Mental Model Club

A thoughtful Google Doc on the second-order effects of COVID-19. 

Financial Spring Cleaning: 7 Money Moves You Should Do Now from Home – Wallet Hacks

Now is a good time to clean up your personal finances. Here is a good list to start in on!

Who Pays For This? – Collaborative Fund

A frequent question many of us have. Who pays for the debt load the federal government and governments around the world are now taking on? Here you will find some partial answers and some historical context. 

#Macroview: Is The “Debt Chasm” Too Big For The Fed To Fill? – Real Investment Advice

A closer look at the federal reserve with detailed financials and figures.

It’s Time To Build – Andreesen Horowitz

Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve Insolvency & Monetizing The National Debt – Money For The Rest Of Us

An excellent look at how the federal reserve works…or at least how it is supposed to work. 

Personal Finance

Choose FI Financial Literacy Program

A great resource for financial literacy at all educational levels!

6 Steps To Protect Your Identity

6 Ways To Protect Your Identity From Identity Theft - FinTechFreedom

Identity theft is a growing problem that everyone must take proactive action on. Here are easy to follow steps to protect you and your family from becoming a victim of identity theft online. The Equifax breach has exposed a hidden truth that most of you were already aware of – your personal data has not, is not, and will never be safe. Given this reality how can you protect yourself and your loved ones from becoming the victim of identity theft?

Follow these steps below!

Step 1: Here Is Your Personal Information All Over The Internet

The first step you should take is to remove yourself from publicly available databases which contain personal data. Unfortunately, most of the public is unaware that there are publicly available databases that you have the option to request removal from. The most prominent sites out there today are: Nuwber, Pipl, MyLife, Radaris, Intelius, Spokeo, Whitepages, and Beenverified. JoinDeleteMe has a great resource on how to remove yourself from each one. I have provided some information on a couple of these sites below.

With Nuwber, search for yourself and once you do, you will likely be surprised by just how much information they have on you. You can then copy that URL where your information is contained. At the bottom of the page, you will see a link “Remove from Directory” where you can paste that same URL.

Unfortunately, with Pipl.com removing yourself is a bit more challenging. The reason is that Pipl scours and scrapes your personal information from publicly available sources such as Facebook. However, once you can see what is available on Pipl.com you can then visit those public profiles you control and adjust your privacy settings for each.

With MyLife, HERE is a set of instructions for removing yourself.

With Radaris, HERE is a set of instructions for removing yourself.

With Intelius, HERE is a set of instructions for removing yourself.

Emails have become commonplace for data breaches. Using the site haveibeenpwned.com will tell you if your email address has been compromised in a data breach.

SocialMediaExaminer has a step-by-step article on the most common social media profiles and the steps you can take to adjust your privacy settings for each.

Step 2: How To Clean Up Your Mailbox, Inbox, and Voicemail

It has to be one of the most annoying things to deal with…calls from unknown sources such as telemarketers and even scammers. Fortunately, you can add your number to the national do not call registry available at DoNotCall.gov. But what about scammers and fraudsters? Today, there are a number of phone apps you can use on both Android and iOS to alert you of scammers and fraudsters. The app I have found the most success with is Truecaller. Truecaller is constantly adding numbers to their database so when a number calls you that is suspected to be a scammer or fraudster Truecaller is activated and tells you that this is a scam or fraud before you pick the phone up and then it adds that number to your list of blocked phone numbers.

Keepsafe allows you to see what data is available publicly which is tied directly to your mobile number. This link will provide you with what data is available by way of a text message. They even have an article with a number of resources that you can use in order to remove your private information from data brokers.

One of the best ways to protect you from identity theft and credit fraud is to stop the offers for credit from getting into your mailbox in the first place. The best way to do this is by visiting optoutprescreen.com where you can remove yourself from offers of credit for a period of 5 years or permanently. You can also opt-in which for the life of me can’t figure out why someone would want all those offers for credit (Debt) to fill their mailboxes.

And while you’re in the cleanup phase…why not unsubscribe from all those emails you no longer want! Head on over to unroll.me and get your inbox all cleaned up!

Step 3: Monitor Your Credit (The Lazy approach)

Each of the three reporting agencies offers credit monitoring service. The trouble with this is that once you are notified by these agencies that your credit has been compromised it is already too late. Instead, you should visit annualcreditreport.com to get your credit report. Update: You can use a fourth service called Innovis to get your credit report. So instead of checking your credit report once every four months, you can check it once every three months for free!  Learnvest.com gives an excellent step-by-step procedure for how best to get your credit report.

Step 4: It’s 2018…Don't Use The Same Password…Use A Password Manager & Don’t Get A Credit Card…Get A Virtual Card!

You may have previously heard of password managers but were never quite sure what they were. In short, a password manager is a service that helps you keep track of all of your passwords so that you don't have to. Long gone are the days of using the same password for everything or equally worse…a pad of paper stuffed in your desk with all of your passwords on it. Instead, a password manager fully encrypts and protects your passwords. A password manager can also auto-generate passwords on your behalf. Personally, I utilize 1Password but here is a resource that will give you additional options to consider.

Today, more of our transactions are made online. Simultaneously, breaches online are happening more and more. Traditionally, we use our unique credit and or debit card number over and over which only leads to a greater likelihood of a breach.

Instead of using your only unique credit and or debit card online we now have the option to create a unique card number for every transaction online. These numbers are fully encrypted and prevent you from having to use your one card number all over the internet. The digital fintech tool that I have used to create this unique presence online is Privacy.com. Privacy.com allows you to create multiple card numbers. PCworld has a great review of privacy.com which I would highly recommend for anyone looking for this common sense solution.

Step 5: Freeze It Right There!

Do you really need to air out your credit so everyone can see and use it? Answer: No! If you already have a mortgage and a credit card and don’t plan to open up any more lines of credit (Debt!) than why not let the three reporting agencies (Equifax, Experian, and Transunion) know that you have no interest in opening up any more credit (Debt!) and freeze it right there! For a nominal fee ($5 – $15 in most states) you can freeze your credit for good. Just recently, Congress voted to make freezing your credit free…however there are some details to be aware of. And don’t worry, this action will not affect your current lines of credit that are already open. And, if you eventually want to unfreeze your credit (to go into debt!) you can do so with a unique PIN that is provided to you when you froze your credit in the first place.

If you are interested in freezing your credit here are the direct links at each of the 3 major credit bureaus.

With this, there is a caveat…sometimes those lenders willing to put you in debt in the hopes of collecting fees and interest from you in the future they open a line of credit in your name and your social security number without even checking with the three reporting agencies first! So, even after you have frozen your credit you can still become a victim of identity theft. So, how can this be prevented? In short, it can’t! At least not as of today. However, there is one final thing you can do!

Step 6: Put The Experts On Your Side!

Once you become a victim of identity theft it can be a nightmare cleaning up the mess! So, why not put the experts on your side before you become a victim? I use Zander Identity Theft Protection to clean up the mess on my behalf so I can get on with my life! When you sign up for Zander’s Identity Theft you are protected against the future hassle of cleaning up the mess on your own. Once you become a victim you are assigned a team of experts at Zander to notify all the responsible parties (Banks, Credit Card companies) on your behalf. So no more hassling with anyone over the phone about the fact that you really are who you say you are. To see all the benefits of Zander’s Identity Theft Protection visit them online.

Elder abuse now occurs to 1 in 5 seniors.  Eversafe is a company that was started after the founder and CEO discovered that his mother had been taken advantage of. Eversafe says, “No other solution safeguards against fraud, scams, and financial exploitation better than EverSafe.” If you are looking for an extra set of eyes to watch over things for you consider Eversafe.

The website coveredsecurity.com has developed an 18 question survey you can answer which provides you with recommendations to improve your online security as well as where you rank among others. To stay up to date on all matters related to identity theft check out our identity theft page.

Update: Andrew & Tom on their podcast Listen Money Matters did a great podcast episode, “Don't Get Hacked: 9 Ways To Improve Your Online Security (and Protect Your Money) that covered some of the items above as well as a couple of other excellent tips! P.S. Good tip…help your parents and family with these steps as well. As a reader of this website, you are already aware of the importance of protecting yourself online. Unfortunately, most of the public is not so help your loved ones with this critical process.

Listen Money Matters Podcast

March 2020 Top Picks

March 2020 Top Picks

Here are some of the best personal finance and fintech posts from March 2020. To see previous months' top picks click here.


Since the last update the World has changed quite rapidly as much of the World has been dealing with the rapid spread of this virus. The following are resources for those needing help.

Coronavirus Resources Google DocBroke Millennial

Black Swan Events: Short-term Crisis, Long-term Opportunity – Visual Capitalist

Coronavirus Stimulus Check: What You Can Expect and Other Benefits Coming Your Way – Money Peach

The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) – What We Know & Where to Apply – PT Money


Who Owns Stock In America? The Answer May Surprise You – Wallet Hacks

Here is a glimpse…51% of Americans Own Stock…

Personal Finance

We Are Wealthy. And Why It Matters – Becoming Minimalist

Some amazing statistics on wealth and why it is so important to keep things in perspective.

February 2020 Top Picks

February 2020 Top Picks

Here are some of the best personal finance and fintech posts from February 2020. To see previous months' top picks click here.

College Costs

I’m Glad My Parents Crushed My College Dreams – Financial Mechanic

With the student loan debt crisis growing each day this is a unique perspective many will appreciate. 


Every Company Will Be a Fintech Company – Andreessen Horowitz

As traditional financial services from banks to insurance companies and real estate become more disrupted the push by the fintech movement will soon find itself nearly everywhere! 


Saving up for Something? Buy the Stock First – Budgets Are Sexy

Simple and highly effective strategy! Before you go out and buy something of significance consider buying the stock first. Not only forces you to save for the purchase first and avoid using a credit card but also gets you into the habit of investing! Win-win! 

Best Performing Stocks Of The Past 12 Months – I Will Teach You To Be Rich

Read carefully…more about why it is nearly impossible to consistently pick winning individual stocks and why index funds are your best bet! 

Forecasting Follies 2020 – Above The Market

Bottomline. Nobody (including your financial “advisor”) knows what is going to happen today, tomorrow or next week. Do not spend your time listening to forecasters making predictions about investing.

About Those Wall Street Forecasts – Crossing Wall Street

Once again…ignore forecasts and the forecasters that come with it!

Personal Finance

Wealth Is What You Don’t Spend – Collaborative Fund

Just like the health industry…people want to be more healthy and lose weight and will pay for it…we just aren’t always ready to put in the work. It is easy to spend more thinking you made progress when the obvious solution is to spend less and put in the work!

Three Things I Learned From My Estate Planning Lawyer Everyone Should Do & The Benefits Of A Revocable Living Trust – Financial Samurai 

With the tragic passing of an icon like Kobe Bryant, it makes all of us reflect on what is most important in life. 

Real Estate

Owning A Home Is Not For Everyone – A Wealth of Common Sense

A look into some of the less common and less acknowledged pros and cons of owning a home. 


11 Things You Are Paying For That You Can Get For Free – Budgets Made Easy

The internet has made many things free that you used to have to pay for. For example, top-level college courses that students are still paying top dollar for are actually free and open to the public. If you are working on your budget see if you are spending any money in any of these areas before you spend any more of your hard-earned money on what others get for free!

Here’s How Much Americans Have Saved For Retirement At Different Ages – CNBC

A breakdown of where Americans stand when it comes to saving for their future. Most Americans are far from having saved these amounts. A study by the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies found that the median retirement savings by age in the U.S. is $16,000 for people in their 20s, $45,000 in their 30s, $63,000 in their 40s, $117,000 in their 50s, and $172,000 in their 60s.

Miscellaneous Articles

“Enough” by John C. Bogle – James Clear

A perspective more of us need to hear on a more frequent basis!

2020 Startup Themes – Daniel Gross

An insightful look at both the macroeconomic and startup themes for 2020. 

Policeman buys car seats instead of issuing a ticket to mom in need – Aleteia 

Simple acts of kindness! 

To see previous months' top picks click here.

January 2020 Top Picks

January 2020 FintechFreedom

Here are some of the best personal finance and fintech posts from January 2020.

College Costs

I’m Glad My Parents Crushed My College Dreams – Financial Mechanic

With the student loan debt crisis growing each day this is a unique perspective many will appreciate.


Every Company Will Be a Fintech Company – Andreessen Horowitz

As traditional financial services from banks to insurance companies and real estate become more disrupted the push by the fintech movement will soon find itself nearly everywhere!


Saving up for Something? Buy the Stock First – Budgets Are Sexy

Simple and highly effective strategy! Before you go out and buy something of significance consider buying the stock first. Not only forces you to save for the purchase first and avoid using a credit card but also gets you into the habit of investing! Win-win!

Best Performing Stocks Of The Past 12 Months – I Will Teach You To Be Rich

Read carefully…more about why it is nearly impossible to consistently pick winning individual stocks and why index funds are your best bet!

Forecasting Follies 2020 – Above The Market

Bottomline. Nobody (including your financial “advisor”) knows what is going to happen today, tomorrow or next week. Do not spend your time listening to forecasters making predictions about investing.

About Those Wall Street Forecasts – Crossing Wall Street

Once again…ignore forecasts and the forecasters that come with it!

Personal Finance

Wealth Is What You Don’t Spend – Collaborative Fund

Just like the health industry…people want to be more healthy and lose weight and will pay for it…we just aren’t always ready to put in the work. It is easy to spend more thinking you made progress when the obvious solution is to spend less and put in the work!

Three Things I Learned From My Estate Planning Lawyer Everyone Should Do & The Benefits Of A Revocable Living Trust – Financial Samurai

With the tragic passing of an icon like Kobe Bryant, it makes all of us reflect on what is most important in life.

Real Estate

Owning A Home Is Not For Everyone – A Wealth of Common Sense

A look into some of the less common and less acknowledged pros and cons of owning a home.


11 Things You Are Paying For That You Can Get For Free – Budgets Made Easy

The internet has made many things free that you used to have to pay for. For example, top-level college courses that students are still paying top dollar for are actually free and open to the public. If you are working on your budget see if you are spending any money in any of these areas before you spend any more of your hard-earned money on what others get for free!

Here’s How Much Americans Have Saved For Retirement At Different Ages – CNBC

A breakdown of where Americans stand when it comes to saving for their future. Most Americans are far from having saved these amounts. A study by the Transamerica Center for Retirement Studies found that the median retirement savings by age in the U.S. is $16,000 for people in their 20s, $45,000 in their 30s, $63,000 in their 40s, $117,000 in their 50s, and $172,000 in their 60s.

Miscellaneous Articles

“Enough” by John C. Bogle – James Clear

A perspective more of us need to hear on a more frequent basis!

2020 Startup Themes – Daniel Gross

An insightful look at both the macroeconomic and startup themes for 2020.

Policeman buys car seats instead of issuing a ticket to mom in need – Aleteia

Simple acts of kindness!

To see previous months' top picks click here.

The Ultimate Guide To Estate Planning In The Digital Age

The Ultimate Guide To Estate Planning In The Digital Age - FinTech Freedom

What would happen to everything you own if you were to pass away tomorrow? Do any of your family members or loved ones know where your online passwords are for everything? Do they have access to your Facebook account or to your bank account?  Or would they be left scrambling to piece everything together? Given the nature of our digital world, today, as well as the privacy, security and identity theft precautions you must take, the last thing you want is a notepad in a drawer somewhere. What would happen if it was taken or copied? Or, if your home were to burn down? Estate planning is essential and by reading further you will learn how to be prepared for what is inevitable!

This article outlines the best way to say “I Love You” to your loved ones.

Why Everyone Needs An Estate Plan

The purpose of this article is to not only lay out the basics of an Estate plan and make you aware of why everyone needs an estate plan but also to provide you with some valuable digital options when it comes to your assets. Below, you will find solutions that exist to make it simple for you to handoff your assets after you pass away. 

Today, 55% of people die without a will or a trust. What this means is that when you die your loved ones have little to no say over how what you own and have saved is managed upon your passing. 

If you are a business owner there are additional considerations you should consider when it comes to your estate planning. I would encourage you to read “What Would Happen to My Online Business If I Died” for additional information on this important topic.

High Level Look At The Estate Planning Documents

  • Living Will
  • Power of Attorney
  • Durable Power of Attorney for Medical/Healthcare (Advance Directive)
  • HIPAA Release
  • Last Will (Can Also Be Referred To As A Pour-Over Will)
  • Trust

When it comes to a Trust – Fidelity has a great resource.

There are a couple of very important things to note when it comes to a Trust. First, after you establish a Trust you must fund the trust. What this means is that your assets need to be retitled into the name of the trust. This could include naming the trust as the beneficiary of your assets. This is a helpful article outlining the steps to find a trust if you are a Fidelity, Vanguard or Merrill Edge customer.

Important note, an individual retirement account (IRA) of any kind including but not limited to Roth, Traditional, 401k, etc cannot be owned by a trust. Therefore, when it comes to an IRA a Trust should stay away! This includes the fact that you never want to name your Trust as the beneficiary of an IRA. The bottom line…when it comes to retirement accounts (Roth, SEP, Traditional, Etc) the owner should never be listed as the Trust AND…the beneficiary should never be listed as the trust unless the beneficiary is children under the age of 18.  Always put the owner of a retirement account and beneficiary of a retirement account as people, not the trust! The bottom line…A TRUST CAN'T OWN AN IRA EVER!

 It is also important to know the differences between a revocable and irrevocable trust.

Be sure to talk with an estate planning attorney. In my experience, there is a great advantage of utilizing an estate planning attorney instead of a lawyer that handles a wide range of legal topics. The website: gyst.com (short for Get Your Shit Together) has a number of helpful links including one on finding an estate planning attorney in your area. Note: GYST was acquired by Cake (mentioned below) in June 2019. There are many other factors that go into utilizing the full benefit and details of a trust and if it is right for you Fidelity has listed 6 reasons you should consider a Trust as well as this estate planning guide

Safe Or Central Location For All Documents

Once you have established your Estate Planning documents it is important to have one location where all important documents are maintained and are accessible by your trustee. This central location can come in the form of a safe at your home or simply a binder stored in a safe place. The following is just a sample of the documents created by Fidsafe (more to come on FidSafe below) that should be contained in your safe/legacy binder.


      • Last Will
      • Living Will
      • Durable Power of Attorney (Healthcare, Financial, Real Estate, etc)
      • HIPAA Release Form
      • Trust
      • Marriage License
      • Child Support Documents
      • Alimony Documents
      • Divorce Decree
    • Adoption Papers

Identification & Licenses

      • Birth Certificate
      • Driver’s License
      • Passport
      • Social Security Card
      • Immigration Documents
      • Military ID
      • Death Certificate
    • List of Safety Deposit Boxes


      • List of Financial/Bank Accounts (Including IRAs, Pensions, etc)
      • Account Statements
      • Additional Financial Documents
      • Credit Report
      • Vehicle Titles
      • Annual Income Tax Records
    • Property Tax Statements

Insurance & Property

      • Life Insurance Policy
      • Health Insurance Policy
      • Auto Insurance Policy
      • Vehicle Title
      • House /Land Deeds
    • Cemetery Deeds

In Case Of Emergency Binder

The most comprehensive binder which helps to organize all of your documents in one place is the In Case Of Emergency Binder. The binder is an easy to use tool that you can fill in with your family complete with a step-by-step guide covering everything you need. The binder covers everything fromIn Case Of Emergency Binder important household information, key personal documents, medical information, insurance details, financial information and so much more! I would recommend either filling it out on your computer before you print it or read through it first before printing it. The reason for reading or filling it out on your computer first before printing is because you will likely find that some of the sections might not apply to you. For example, there is a section on military service that you might not need to be included in your specific binder.

Digital Estate Planning Tools

Today and on into the future more and more of our time and possessions will be housed online. If there is anything you can take away from this article let it be this – you absolutely must have a digital plan when you pass that is simple to follow and that two of your loved ones/trustees fully understand and are aware of. Don’t have just one person who knows everything. By having two people aware of everything you are much more likely to have your wishes carried out when you pass.

Today, you might be using tools such as Dropbox, 1Password, Last Pass, Google Drive/Docs, and many more. How many people have access to any or all of your online passwords? Thankfully, there are free tools you can use to make access to all of your critically important documents easier to access.

One great tool designed for managing the digital estate planning process is FidSafe. FidSafe is a free service to anyone. It is provided by Fidelity Investments and it is not required that you are a Fidelity customer to use the service. FidSafe gives you a free and secure way to store all of your documents, notes, and passwords in one place. It is very customizable and allows you to assign a designee if anything happens to you. FidSafe has also provided this excellent resource to get organized.

Cake is very similar to FidSafe in that it allows you to set up all of your documents and wishes when you pass to make sure that your loved ones have what they need to fulfill your final wishes.

Another tool that I have found useful comes in the form of an iOS and Android app called Tomorrow.me. Tomorrow.me helps you and your family set and reach goals as well as help with a Will and other basic estate planning documents.

Trust & Will is a new service more tailored to the modern digital and technological World that now surrounds us and is very similar to Tomorrow.me. Trust & Will is quickly moving into the digitalization of estate planning documents. In addition, they have streamlined the way to establish legal guardian status of newborn children with their Guardian tool.

Upon the passing of a loved one, it can be overwhelming to plan a funeral, arrange burial or cremation, and create an obituary among other things. One online solution that can help handle all of this is Ever Loved. If you are the executor of a will GoBankingRates has an excellent article on the steps to take upon the passing of a loved one with whom you have been named the executor.

For those who like using spreadsheets – I have created an estate planning Google spreadsheet that anyone can use to help keep track of these important documents and contacts. Note: Before updating the spreadsheet be sure to make a copy of it and save to your computer. This spreadsheet is set up as view only until you make your own copy of the template.

The Process That I Am Using

This process might not be the best for everyone but I wanted to share because I believe it could work for most people and to also leave it for my loved ones to have should anything happen to me. First, I utilize a secure physical safe at home that three loved ones have access to. In the safe, I have all original copies of important documents. These documents are the same documents listed above in the legacy binder/safe. In addition, I have an envelope that contains three passwords. One password is my computer password. This password is essential. The second is my login and password to my 1Password account. Finally, the login and password to my FidSafe account. I have it set so that my 1Password account is saved in my FidSafe account and my FidSafe account is saved in my 1Password so really only one of these two is necessary. Once my loved ones have access to this envelope in the safe they then have access to my 1Password account which contains all 1,000+ online and digital accounts. You might not believe you have this many but as you begin to use a password manager you will be surprised at just how many accounts you have out there. I recommend that everyone use a password manager such as 1Password or LastPass.

In addition to this process, I also have Zander Identity theft protection in place. What makes Zander unique is that it goes beyond just monitoring of your identity and credit file. The problem with simple credit monitoring is that it notifies you that you are a victim. What the Zander protection gives you is a dedicated team that will help you clean up the mess once your identity has been stolen. It is impossible to protect identity theft so monitoring is useless. Instead, having a team in place to help you clean it up once it occurs is essential!

Hold An Annual Meeting & Stick To It

Do a reading of your Estate Plan because it will save a lot of time, money and heartache after you pass on. Just like public companies hold quarterly meetings for their stock you should make it a point to hold at the very least an annual meeting on your estate. In my opinion, there is no better way to show how much you love your family than to do this. In fact, depending on the nature of your family dynamics you might even consider having your estate planning attorney conduct the meeting on your behalf. By doing this there is absolutely no way that arguments can arise upon your passing on the steps that will be taken when that day comes.

Another important reason for an annual meeting is to discuss current debts with your loved ones. A common question is if family members will inherit your debt.

You might think that taking this step is overkill but trust me when I say it is not. Too often families can be torn apart upon a family member passing.

  • In some states, it takes a court order to open your safe deposit box, so it would be better in those cases to keep an original copy of your will — and any other documents that might require immediate access — with your attorney, at home in a fireproof safe, etc.
  • As tempting as it might be don't try and complete an estate plan on your own. I suggest going to an attorney that specializes in estate planning in your particular state and not to use a lawyer that does not specialize in estate planning. The laws in each state are apt to change frequently enough that going with an attorney who specializes in estate planning is the way to go!

Steps To Take Upon The Death Of A Loved One

This article from GoBankingRates outlines the 8 steps to take upon the passing of a loved one. They are:

  1. Order multiple copies of the death certificate
  2. Figure out of Probate is needed
  3. Consider an attorney
  4. Gather important documents (This is where a service like FidSafe and Cake come in handy)
  5. Search for the information you can't easily find (Again, where FidSafe and Cake come in handy)
  6. Take inventory of all assets and personal property
  7. Consolidate bank accounts
  8. Disburse assets

Take These Steps Today

The death of a family member or close friend is always difficult. For me, spending time with friends and family and putting my faith first helps me to know that no matter what happens everything will turn out okay.

Here are some variables and things to do today. 

    • Review and update all of your beneficiaries on all financial and insurance accounts and be sure to revisit the beneficiaries you have listed on all financial accounts each and every year. I would suggest doing this at the same time as you are holding your annual meeting. This will ensure you have not forgotten to make a beneficiary designation on any new accounts opened in the last year as well as force you to review who you have listed as the beneficiary. This is important in cases where your listed beneficiary has passed away or in cases where you no longer have a relationship with the listed beneficiary. 
    • Older estate planning docs such as a Will or Power of Attorney could be floating around. Whenever you update your estate planning documents you want to make sure that you destroy any documents that came before the documents that you have just updated. It is hard to imagine but think of the possible confusion that could arise among family when one has one version of your Will and someone else has a newer or older version.
    • Estate planning laws change from state to state so you want to keep them updated especially if a major change has taken place in your life.

Take A Walk Through Your Local Cemetery

I often enjoy walking through a local cemetery (pictured) to read the many headstones. As a lifelong resident of Portsmouth, NH – settled in 1623 – there are a number of older cemeteries like this. Something that immediately hits you is just how young many of those buried here hundreds of years ago were when they passed. Many of whom were in their 40's, 30's and even 20's. We are fortunate to live in a time when modern medicine affords us the ability to live beyond many of those that have gone before us. However, just because we have this luxury we cannot forget that we have a responsibility to those that come after us to make known our wishes and to have them carried out but to also make sure that we minimize the pain that can come from not expressly making our wishes known. You can change that! Having a complete estate plan in place has never been more important!

Cemetery & Estate Planning | FinTechFreedom

An important note: This Estate Planning article highlights many legal elements and is not meant to offer advice. See disclosure. It is important to talk with a lawyer when it comes to planning out your estate documents. This article is meant to give a high-level view of what a complete estate plan should consist of given the nature of today’s digital age. Affiliate links may appear in the text above. 

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! This year, Allison and I were truly blessed to welcome our daughter Mary into our life. She is truly the greatest gift. Today, we welcome our creator and savior Jesus Christ and know that for all things it is He who comes first. Thank you to all of you for continuing to help this site continue to grow!

Top Resources & Articles On Buying Real Estate 

The largest and most overwhelming purchase most people will ever make is in a new home. When it comes to making this decision there is a vast amount of information available. To get an overview of the state of housing The following resources will help you better understand the facts and figures surrounding homeownership. 

There are various arguments for why you should or why you should never purchase a home. One of the best articles containing up-to-date facts and figures is from the website Accidental Fire titled, Have We Reached Peak Home Bloat? This article gives you statistics on how the average home size has ballooned in recent years while the average household occupants have declined and how his phenomenon has negatively impacted our financial lives and families. There are many other statistics in the article that will surely catch your attention.

Before You Buy

Before you purchase your first home be sure to take a look at the housing trends in your area as well as the State of the Nation’s Housing. At the same time, you might find it helpful to read 2 Years of Home Ownership – The Good, The Bad and The Ugly which will give you some insight into one perspective from relatively new homeowners.  

Real Estate Agents

For current or future real estate agents – a paragraph in an article from My Journey To Millions caught our attention.

“Our first inclination was to put it on Zillow’s “Make me Move.”  We didn’t get the traction or responses we thought. Side note: I don’t think the market is there yet, but realtors hear me now, this service and others like it are your future.  Being a real estate agent in 2028 years is going to be the equivalent of a taxi driver in 2018”

One of the reasons real estate agents still have a grasp on real estate is because of how much realtors are embedded in local communities. The trend towards more efficient, cheaper, technology-driven solutions within the real estate space will only continue to grow. 

Mortgages & Mortgage Brokers

After familiarizing yourself with the different types of mortgages you can then move onto looking into any number of different places to get a mortgage. Shopping around for the best mortgage can be a challenge but here are 5 Money-Saving Tips Your Mortgage Broker Doesn’t Want You To Know

After becoming aware of these 5 tips it's time to get the best mortgage rate and experience you are able to get! In order to do that, be sure to read and take notes on “How To Fail At Getting The Lowest Mortgage Interest Rate Possible” 

The piece that is often missing and barely ever mentioned is the significant benefit you can get from taking out a non-traditional 30-year mortgage and instead of going for a 15-year. Chief Mom Officer goes into the specific details about why she loves her 15-year mortgage and why you should strongly consider a 15-year over a 30-year mortgage when shopping for a mortgage. Better yet – here is why you should aim to pay off your mortgage in as little as 10 years!

The FinTech Impact

Technology will continue to impact high margin, arduous industries. It is hard to think of a more laborious industry than real estate. Zillow is a household name that has started to bring to light real estate data once confined to multiple listing services controlled by local boards of realtors but there are now many others entering the real estate industry taking on and improving various aspects of a real estate transaction and the housing industry as a whole. As we begin to enter the next decade TechCrunch takes a look at the last decade and takes a peek into what is in store for the next decade in real estate

November 2019 Top Posts

November 2019 Top Persoal Finance & FinTech Articles

Here are some of the best personal finance and fintech posts from November 2019.

Credit & Debt

$69 Trillion of World Debt In One Infographic – Visual Capitalist

Last month we looked at total U.S. debt composed of $23 Trillion in government debt, $13.5 Trillion in U.S. consumer debt and $1.4 trillion in U.S. student loan debt. This infographic breaks down total global government debt which now stands at $69 trillion. 


Should You Invest At Market Highs? – Can I Retire Yet?

The short answer is Yes! Read more for the longer answer on why the answer to this question will likely always be yes!

Help! Analysis Paralysis is Stopping Me From Investing! – Monevator

A common trait by many potential investors is trying to figure out just where to begin! This article will likely help you get over this if you find yourself in this predicament often!

Personal Finance

How To Deal With Your Aging Parents’ Finances The Right Way – Investor Junkie

Great practical tips on how best to handle the finances of your aging parents. 

Real Estate

5 Money-Saving Tips Your Mortgage Broker Doesn’t Want You to Know – Len Penzo

Today, there are various places to get a mortgage. Often, the best place to start is online thanks to the growth in non-traditional digital options. Plus, other tips to watch for when looking for a mortgage. 

Miscellaneous Articles

More Is Never Enough – Ramp Capital

One of the more important articles to read and sit with for a deeper appreciation and understanding of all the great gifts we have! 

The Biggest Secret the Library Offers To Enrich Your Life – Route To Retire

A great post showing you all the amazing benefits you can get from your local public library completely free! 

Dirt-Road America – The New Yorker

Great article on one man’s journey on America’s dirt roads over the course of the last 40 years!

To see previous months' top picks click here.